Bits of Stuff
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    Cellular Phones with Wifi

    Ok. I'm looking in Canada for cell phones with built in wifi capability.

    T-Mobile has a neat one, but still, not Canadian

    Do the Canadian carriers even carry cell phones with built in wifi? Would that not just defeat their purpose? Are these phones smart enough to transition from cell network to wifi network?


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    Building Visionary VoIP Solutions

    How does a traditional telco build visionary VoIP solutions? How do they manage the fine balance between preserving traditional revenues, while generating new revenues and taking an increase in marketshare from competitors?

    That's my job for today, determining strategy for VoIP, and the VoIP reseller markets that I am servicing.

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    Candy Apple Red

    Originally uploaded by julebule.

    It looked much better than it tasted. for some ungodly reason, home made candy apples don’t tase near as good as they do when you buy them from an unnamed vendor at a fair. Plus, the fair variety is less risky.  Home made candy apple goop is VERY, VERY hot.  Getting the goop onto the apple isn’t near as easy as you would think. Sorry for the burn, ‘netter. :-(



    Toronto Plastic Surgery.

     toroplasticsurgery.jpgMade Ya Look, didn’t it?


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    Google - First YouTube - next PayPerPost?

    It’s curious - that after a few weeks of insane YouTube buzz, all of a sudden there’s a purchase announcement. Now, with the rowdiness of PayPerPost, and the loud ramblings of the blogosphere, could it be next on the Google Train?

    Google seems to be good at capturing momentum, and magnifying it. Could Google also be thinking that payPerPost would be an added attraction to it’s advertising arm? Folks are indeed comparing Adsense to PayperPost, why not work out a deal, and improve each model? When it comes down to it, it’s all about ads on blogs, isn’t it? ;-)

    I’ve got you thinking now, don’t I?

    As an aside…. despite all the negative hooplah, Dave Winer as an interesting tidbit about the upside of PayPerPost - maybe this new merger idea idea isn’t as off beat as one might think…

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    Extreme Tickle Me Elmo

    For Sassy:

    It’s the extremest that Elmo has ever been. TMX Elmo………Tickle Me Extreme Elmo!!!!  [Ah ha ha, that tickles!!!]

    From the first time I saw him, 3 weeks ago, as he was making the talk show rounds, I knew you had to have him ;-) Yup, he was on the Today show, and on Canada AM!! - the only shows that were in english in Rimouski at 6 am in the morning).  Morning hosts across the country were giggling away with Elmo.  Take that how you want. :-)

    He’s new, improved, yet still giggles, and managed to make giggling contagious. And this time he can stand up, and fall over and stand up again! [Could it be Elmo 2.0?]

    For all you folks who are on the verge of kids (yes jorge, you too), this could be the one concession you make to consumerism…. you can even just keep him for yourself! :-)  Sharing is not mandatory.


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    Google and YouTube....


    The Perfect Cheese?

    Funny - what people will come up with to put on a cracker.... spray cheese. An edible product? I'm not so sure any more....

    Wired 14.10: START - I

    It's perfect on a cracker. Almost too perfect. Explore the secrets of one of the world's most unnatural foods.

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    Tea and Sweets

    Something worthwhile, for those folks who like having cookies with their tea, after a long day of work.

    Mighty Goods: Mug with Cookie Shelf

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    Glencoe Hits the Guiness Book - and the Globe and Mail!!!

    Ontario farmer has Guinness-making maze
    Canadian Press
    GLENCOE, Ont. — For those who enjoy getting lost in a giant maze of corn, Glencoe, Ont., is officially the best place to do it.Guinness World Records confirms the McEachren Farms Corn Maze is the largest corn maze in the world. Ontario farmer has Guinness-making maze

    I have to tell you. It's not often that the small village of Glencoe, Ontario gets 2 wammys in one day.  It's made the guiness book of World Records for having the largest corn maze, (that's a maize maze for you smarties), and is mentioned in the Globe and Mail too!

    Whoot Glencoe! And to think, I almost wanted to live there once.

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    Kids and Cell Phones?

    Children are different

    Large studies of adult cell phone users in Denmark, Sweden, and the UK were published in 2005 and 2006. These inquiries concluded that RF radiation from mobile phones is not a cause of glioma, a cancer of the brain’s supportive glial cells. But it’s not quite time to consider the controversy over. Children are not small adults, and several differences could be important in the way they are affected by ELF and RF radiation: * Hormones are at work, causing their bones, brains, and muscles to grow. Growing tissues are at greater risk of cancer, which is basically uncontrolled growth. * They have thinner bones, especially their skulls, which may allow more radiation to penetrate. * Children spend more time outdoors than adults.In late 2005, a large body of research on RF radiation from mobile telephones and ELF radiation from power lines was reviewed in several articles in a supplement to the journal Bioelectromagnetics. The scientists involved mostly indicated that there was no convincing evidence that either type of radiation was doing harm to fetuses or children, but they left the door open by identifying numerous ways that future research could be more sensitive to possible effects.

    AboutKidsHealth: News: Electromagnetic radiation and cancer fears

    I'm a believer that kids and cell phones don't mix.  Not until they are of driving age, for emergencies (kids and driving and cell phones is a completely different arguement and deserves a posting of its own).

    It didn't occur to me, until I read my amigo Tai's, article about electromagnetic implications, that it dawned on me. Adult cell phone use has an acceptable risk associated with it.  A child's cell phone usage must be considered very differently and very carefully.  So much marketing is going into the "youth" generation. Mp3s, SMS, ring tones. So many young people using cell phones. No one really knows the implications of such a move.  10 years ago, no one anticipated that someone under the age of 18 would need or want a cell phone. No one anticipated that the cost would reduce so significantly that families could afford outfitting their offspring.

    Are we doing the youth a favour, or a disservice? I suppose we won't really know, not for another 15 years or so, when the Z generation disappears under a cloud of brain tumours.

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    What Would You Do for Your iPOD?

    Man stabbed over iPod
    A young man was stabbed twice in the chest after refusing to hand over his iPod to two armed men at a bus stop in Richmond Hill Thursday night.The victim got off a northbound York Regional Transit bus on Yonge St. near Crosby Ave. just after 10 p.m. when two men approached him, York Regional Police Sgt. Harry Horn said.“He was approached by two unknown males who then demanded his iPod,” Horn said.“A struggle ensued and the victim was stabbed twice in the chest,” he added.The victim was taken to Sunnybrook hospital with non-life threatening injuries. - Man stabbed over iPod

    Would *you* take a stabbing to the chest to protect your iPOD? I am pretty sure that losing digital music should not be a life or death choice.

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    Where NOT to Go...

    this dirty bug left sloppy remains all over my traffic logs:

    If there was a 12th level of HELL, this guy should be there.

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    No Title Needed.

    Paper Napkin: Hello Out There

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    Oh Turkey Days!


    Idea box....

    A Box Of InspirationKeep all of your good ideas in a box, safe for those rainy days.more...

    ReadyMade: Instructions for Everyday Life

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    The Tricky Part of PayPerPost

    I like the idea - in theory. The trick is in the prodct placement, methinks.

    But only if you would blog about something anyways, does it perhaps make some sense to get paid for it. Sould there be disclosure? Well, sometimes it’s just simply obvious.

    And then your readers willl go away. Stilted conversations, trying to come up with something that sounds reasonable… it’s hard to keep that going for long.

    The best question yet to be asked - what advertisers are taking advantage of the PayPerPost crew? I think you would be surprised. VERY Surprised. 

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    Vonage Forums - Inside News for Customers - WOW!

    Curious, in my research of Vonage, and how to best provide a consultative strawman for a new solution I'm working on, I stumbled upon the Vonage Forum.

    Despite it having no direct ties to Vonage, it does a *really* good job of having the right info, at the right time. I poked through the Vonage Canada Community forum, and found that the biggest challenge was being able to complete 1-8XX calls. Not to worry wee vonage folks, that could be old news soon.

    Considering it's an independant site - it completely rocks. My money is on it getting bought by the vonage folks, simply for the quality of service and voice it provides for the vonage customers. I'm thinking customer service 2.0. Now all it needs is a blog!!! :-)

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    New Tactic to Get Results on YouTube Goes Up In Flames

    Girl burned in lighter fluid attack Oct. 4, 2006. 08:02 PM

    13-year-old girl suffered second-degree burns to her chest after two boys sprayed her with lighter fluid and set her shirt on fire in York, police say.Two teenage boys were recording themselves with a digital camera as they played with lighter fluid and set their clothing on fire in the Eglinton Ave. W. and Black Creek Dr. area around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, police said.When the girl who was with them refused to have her own clothing ignited, she was held down, sprayed with lighter fluid and had her T-shirt lit on fire, police said.Two 15-year-old boys, who cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, are charged with aggravated assault, mischief endangering life and assault with a weapon. - Girl burned in lighter fluid attack

    My thoughts and sadness go out to this girl. Thank god it wasn't any worse that it was.

    My first thought after reading this story - "the boys were trying to make a video to put on" I bet I'm not far off the truth. Sad commentary. I can only hope that the punishment is severe, and that it's the punishment that gets the publicity, as opposed to the act.

    My second thought - "why the hell would a 13 year old girl's parents let her hang around with 15 year old boys?"

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    8:33AM Update

    Whoot! God love the internet, and UPS tracking. Our art arrived in Mississauga this morning.

    It left Louisville Kentucy at 4 am...There was a weather delay in Mississauga (that's what woke the smapp dog and I up early this morning - thunder and lightning and rain enough to soak the bedroom curtains). And now *the art* is theoretically on it's way to us!

    It's *IN TRANSIT*.

    My doorbell could ring before I finish this post!

    ON, CA
    10/04/2006 7:14 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

    KY, US
    10/04/2006 4:31 A.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
    ON, CA
    KY, US
    10/04/2006 1:31 A.M. EXPORT SCAN

    10/04/2006 1:21 A.M. EXPORT SCAN

    10/04/2006 12:49 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
    ON, CA

    OH, US
    10/03/2006 8:31 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN

    10/03/2006 8:19 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN

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