Taking Voicemail for Granted

It’s an easy thing to overlook, the complexity of voicemail. That wee little application that means so very much to us all. When it’s a missing piece, it’s hard to find a suitable replacement on a short schedule. With all the new voice services upstarts, you would think it’s also an easy application to outsource, and you would be wrong. No one really sells voice mail as a stand alone service, certainly not as a residential service. There are a couple of companies doing SOHO Voicemail outsourcing in Canada - GotVMail.com is advertised on the radio, and is geared to small offices that don’t have PBXs, but want to look and feel bigger. Unite is also geared for office requirements, but I haven’t been able to find a wholesale voice mail service provider for residential use. (I see a niche market!!!)Now I’ve got to build it ;-) Special thanks to Alec and Jon for answering my queries over an Easter long weekend, you guys rock.
Technorati Tags: residential voice mail, wholesale voice mail