Seen Anything Pinteresting Lately?

There’s so much back and forth regarding Pinterest. You love it, you hate it, you don’t understand it, you think it’s going to get you thrown in jail, you hate the copywrite confusion….. Aie!
So much Pinterest Drama!!!
I love it. I *do* do a few things differently from some folks though. I make sure that things i *pin* actually lead somewhere good. Generally back to magazines or stores. A Pinterest pin of something from Tumblr is a waste of time. A Pinterest pin with no history is like a dead weblink. Not much good for anything.
Worried about copywrite laws? Well, I expect that technology is going to drive some signinficant copywrite changes. ‘Nuff Said. If you want to read more, and photographers could theoretically be the most impacted by Pinterest, check out Trey Ratcliff’s take.
STILL worried about copywrite? Tumblr will succumb WAY before Pinterest in that arena…..
To me, my Pinterest boards are a scrapbook of things I like, and a method for keeping torack of where things are. I’ve been coveting a beadspread from Anthropoligie… so I’m keeping track of it with Pinterest. :-D
Still, Pin responsibly.