« friday »

…. 3 meetings before noon, not to mention an emergency call before 8 am… and the panick of not being on top of everything all at once…. but my furnace is fixed. After a week of furnace nightmares with direct energy…. we finally have progress. And heat. And a water heater that doesn’t crash (damn GUI OS) and need rebooting after every second shower…..
it’s damn near a perfect end to a ridiculous, head popping week…. and i look forward to 2 days of nothingness….
between helping Mr Furnace, i spent the better part of the afternoon getting caught up with admin tasks that i’ve been avoiding for the past month, and having one eye on the telly, with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
It’s funny, the references that are now commonplace… like the ultimate answer to the universe, and theZazzafooky liked it - perhaps I will as well.
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