« my eyebrows are cramped... »

… from struggling with work all aft… and not making enough headway… the company that remains nameless (tm) is definately full of challenges, yet there are days when i sit for a moment with the smapp dog and wonder about long term goals and all that must lie between now and then… pfft. I need a massage.
a good thing - went out with good and old friends last night…. no - not old age friends, long time friends… it felt very grown up, with wine and tableclothes and a waiter with an accent. it was quite good. and funny. and way too much food and giggles. thank you dwarf and lady dwarf :-)
this weekend will be another "weekend with the chickadees" - stay tuned for new episodes in hilarity. the wee chickadee is still malingering with illness… i hope she can turn it around before saturday…
Reader Comments (1)
If you are in the market for a massage, I would highly recommend my therapist. She rocks all kinds and is friendly and knowledgable about many conversation topics.