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… dancing through my head - yet not a one is going to see the worthy light of day…
- i could be talking about how i bought outstanding used blundstone boots, and how, after a day of loving wear, the turn on me and chew my Achilles tendon to the marrow, making it impossible to wear any other boots for days
- i could be talking about finding bloggers in the most bizarre places, and the code of silence we observe while at the "place of work" (tm) nudge nudge, wink wink.
- i could be talking about an insane desire to sell bandwidth like one would sell crack… pssst, hey - wanna by 45 Mbps between toronto and chicago? I can get you a good deal….
- i could talk about the tribulations of tying up the smapp dog to the only doggie hitching post at the variety store
- i could talk about my wish of competition for grocery gateway

Reader Comments (2)
As in...delivering groceries? Or bad driving?
I wish there was an alternative to grocery gateway.... someone else on the block to keep them honest ;-) I want grocery choices, dammit.