« WWRD? »

… I grin as I write this, as a few of you will understand the meaning behind WWRD, once I explain it….
WWRD: What Would Ron Do?
The Wiz and I often ask each other that question, when there is a tough decision to be made. "What would Ron do?". Likely I should also explain who "Ron" is… Ron Close was the leader of Netcom Canada, and is now the boss of Bell New Ventures. He is quite possibly the best leader (TM) we have ever known; unflappable, charismatic, insightful, and an all around great guy. He’s the guy who’s had his hands on the levers, with his kimono open, while the strategic clouds are banging…. and he’s just one of us chickens.
So, when we find ourselves in a pickle, and need to make a worthy decision or plan of action, we invariably fall back to: WWRD? It’s certainly kept us out of "some" trouble….
Reader Comments (1)
It's interesting because as I'm starting my busines, I often think back to the teachings of Ron. Maybe he should start a religion or something. I'd totally convert from Pastafarian ( http://www.venganza.org/ ) to the church or Ron.
In Ron we trust. :-)