« Amidst a Sea of Cardboard... »

Yes, the packing is well begun, so well begun that the place is resembling a labarynth in a recycler's night mare. It's a good thing we've only got a week more to go, else we would likely put the dog in a box and be done with her.
Last night we took apart the crate designs beds for the chickadees, and what did we find: cookies, rings, and the dog's dentabone under the mattress. I can't begin to try and explain.
Considering the limited square footage of the tower, it's amazing that we've managed to sack away over 60 boxes of belongings. I'm not even going to go into details of the garbage we've parted with ;-)
Ok - I will - last night we threw away 3 keyboards, 2 mice and 21 metal clothes hangers. There.
Technorati Tags: Moving, boxes, cardboard
Last night we took apart the crate designs beds for the chickadees, and what did we find: cookies, rings, and the dog's dentabone under the mattress. I can't begin to try and explain.
Considering the limited square footage of the tower, it's amazing that we've managed to sack away over 60 boxes of belongings. I'm not even going to go into details of the garbage we've parted with ;-)
Ok - I will - last night we threw away 3 keyboards, 2 mice and 21 metal clothes hangers. There.
Technorati Tags: Moving, boxes, cardboard

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