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    « Tim Hortons in a Cashless Society »

    On the drive home from the cottage last weekend, we piled the kids into a Tim Hortons, enthusiastic for soup and biscuits and an iced cap for dessert. $37 later, the trainee at the counter informed us that they didn’t take debit, or Visa, or Dexit even (which i managed to dig out of my change). Cash, the Tim Hortons Master Card, or a wonky Pay Pass doo-dad.

    4 sets of hungry, Timmy glazed eyes shredded the counter boy.
    We cancelled our order.
    We walked across the street.
    To Wendys.

    We tell our tale of woe to the counter dude at Wendys. His reply: You wouldn’t believe how much business we get because *they* don’t take debit.

    I understand not having a debit system at the majority of the Tim Hortons… but if you are a family, and want to actually eat food at Tims, you’ve got to bring a wee bag of gold. Locations that are close to the 400, the 401 and hockey arenas really should consider alternate payment schemes. Or, rest assured that they are indeed filling the coffers of other fast food establishments.

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    Reader Comments (14)

    Aren't Wendy's and Tim Horton's actually partners?
    August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJorge
    Wendy's is a part owner of Tim's - the rest is publicly traded. Funny thing Tim's is the part that usually boosts Wendy's profits.

    Mark Levison
    August 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark Levison
    Thanks Mark, I was thinking I knew part of that, but didn't know how tight the relationship was between the two. That being said, perhaps the *man* at the top of the pyramid is going to see the proceeds of my dinner, but you can bet that the product managers at Tim Hortons are less than thrilled by the fact that their choices of payment options are driving people into the second bucket aka Wendys ;-)
    August 22, 2007 | Registered Commenterjules
    How dare you use the units from KFC (Buckets) to refer to Wendy's (Thomases).
    August 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJorge
    Ah.. an ice cap.
    Great drink except when their machine is on the frazz and you get served this gloopy sludge which means you get to enjoy 6,000 calories but without the cool sensation.
    August 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTim Redpath
    Oh my - no cool sensation!!! Eww!!
    August 24, 2007 | Registered Commenterjules
    Interac debit is too slow for Tim Hortons...and too expensive. They accept MasterCard because MC has unique rules that allow merchants to speed up transactions and they have better pricing plus they have PayPass which is just the slickest thing ever....just tap and you are done. If you don't work in a quick serve environment you wouldn't know.
    September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBubba
    Thanks Bubba - to counteract people using their debit card for just $1.64 for a single coffee, and wasting everyone's time, Tim Horton's could
    a)levy a $4.00 service fee for purchases under $10
    b)levy a $5.00 service fee for purchases under $10
    c)only allow purchases over $15 to use the debit card...

    Problem solved.
    September 12, 2007 | Registered Commenterjules
    Not having debit is completely ridiculous...

    I was in Sault Ste. Marie this week, travelling, and was SO happy to see a Tim's as we were pulling out of our crappy motel, and then I went inside - cashless and mastercardless, with only a debit card in my pocket - I made my order, and to my dismay was told they don't take debt. I come from Alberta, where everyone (even Tim Horton's) takes debit, so my question, is what the hell is wrong with Tim Horton's in Ontario?! Wouldn't it be smarter to actually take debit, and not have to turn away half of your customers?
    April 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKim
    Oh... and I have worked in a service environment - unfortunately. Haha. And taking debit is NOT that big of a hassle. I worked in fast food management, and my restaurant was just as busy as your average Tim's... all you have to do is set a minimum $5.00 purchase for debit, or charge the service fee, and it's not that expensive either - which I believe has already been said.
    April 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKim
    Thanks Kim!
    It's insane for Tim Hortons to choose Master Card over debit. Like I want to be charged 18% interest for a coffee ;-)
    April 7, 2008 | Registered Commenterjules
    All I can say is, if Interac is fast enough for McDonald's, it is fast enough for Tims. I never carry cash, and therefore never go to Tim Hortons...ever..I actually avoid the place because of this ridiculous rule they have against Interac. I don't mind paying for convenience. I agree with the comment to charge fees for Interac use; but to turn away customers all together? what business school teaches that?
    February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark
    The funny thing is there's this Tim/Wendy's in one building near where I live. The Tim half doesn't take Interac but the Wendy's half does. Makes no sense at all. Also, because they take Mastercard all Tim horton's do actually have the card swiper, so they could easily take Interac as well if they wanted to. They are going to have to eventually when cash is a thing of the past.
    March 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike
    Also, Interac has been around since the 80s. 25 years later, and literally every other store takes Interac, even McDonalds. But not Tim's, no sir.
    March 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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