« Picnik vs Adobe Express »

Yesterday’s big hubbaloo was the announcement of Adobe’s new web based, low cal version of Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Express.
Of course, being the gurl I am, I set up an account, uploaded a few photos and gave it a whirl.
Yes, you can also connect to your existing, on-line photo streams (Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa), but I couldn’t get it to work with Picasa Web Albums. (maybe just a launch problem).
The good:
- the ability to see a whole bunch of versions of a particular change, i.e. black and white - you can vew a few flavours of black and white.
- the ability to control sharpness
- the nice touchup ability
- limited effects (Picnik has wicked effects)
- no border creation
Side note: I downloaded the Mac version of Photoshop last night. I’ve got 30 days to decide if it’s something I’m really going to pick up or not. I fell onto Joey Lawrence’s site. I might be convinced. His photography is stunning.
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