Bits of Stuff
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    Crap! I'm an Insular Blogger!

    it's like diagnosing yourself with webMD, but different.  According to Problogger, I may be suffering from a case of insular blogging.

    It's serious, but not fatal.  Gulp.  The first step is admitting that you have a problem.....
    The next step.... interaction. I suggest perhaps a game of tag.... blog tag.

    the.idea.dude - TAG.. you're it. The Good Blogs completely rock.

    I believe the culprit is insular blogging. Insular blogging is when yousit and post content to your blog never linking to or talking aboutother bloggers, blogs or websites. You need to interact with theblogosphere and other people online in order to grow your trafficrapidly.

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    A Good Blog Thing: Finding Vancouverites

    This could be a tad embarassing.  I'm not a good Canadian traveller. Not a bit.  The fartherst west I've been is Windsor, or Sault Ste Marie (if I can count 4 days in the Soo as west; I was planning on counting the Soo as my fartherst north location). East is strange, as I managed to get to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, but I went through the States to get there, so I'm not sure they count. A few months ago, I ended up in Rimouski, by way of Montreal, so I'm *sure* Rimouski can count.

    Needless to say, I really don't ever need to travel again, not with good commentary from the likes of:

    debaucherous + dishevelled
    Darren Barefoot
    dirty olive

    I might start travelling the world from my laptop...I think I might like staying home more. :-)

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    $7 Million in Fraudulent Mortgages in Ontario Alone

    I’ve got in my news reader, and have been following along through some of the articles on the upcoming mortgage fraud legislature that’s to be launched in the upcoming months.  It’s just a hobby, learning about mortgages, now that I’ve *got a biggie*…..

    Aside from the reports of people being financially targeted as victims of mortgage fraud, there’s also an interesting story of a couple who is working on a petition to tighten up the legislation when it comes to titles and land ownership. In Ontario alone there are 10 instances where people’s homes have been stolen using falsified documents. That sounds like a low number, but when the average pricetag is $700,000 per instance of fraud, it’s not an insignificant number. :-(

    There are no real organizations that help you keep your mortage, and look out for people who have become victims of fraud, but there *are* a few who make sure that the house that you want to buy aren’t “fraudulently” on the market, and that’s a step in the right direction. Mortgages are easy to get usually, and no one thinks that the house the’ve fallen in love with has more strings that a marionette attached to it. It’s difficult for most people to figure out the research needed to actually perform more due dilligence on mortgages, refinancing and real estate, so there’s a definite market for this sort of mortgage service.Stay tuned to the Star to see if the mortgage legislature is passed…


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    Early INTERAC Outage Rings in Christmas Shopping Season

    Between early holiday shoppers, festive decorators battling for LED lights, and bedlam in the grocery stores, it’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas. But at approximately 4:00 pm this afternoon, the Interac Network in Canada came to a crumbling halt, impacting debit services and ATM machines alike. All transactional services with Canadian banking institutions were impacted, even independants who rely on Interac for integration. For the better part of 4 hours, the shopping option was cash or credit card only.  It smelled like the ’80s in line at Canadian Tire.

    Believed to not be related to a telco issue, the nationwide outage could be signifying the beginning of chaos for the christmas shopping season. Details are still sketchy….  stay tuned for what crashed the Interac network….

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    Questions I'd Ask Dooce

    You know... you are killing time, waiting for conference calls, and you pop around to your favourite (and no doubt favourited by zillions of others) blog....and Dooce never fails to amaze me. 

    But then I wonder, her life is almost entirely in the public domain, not to mention VERY digitally loud.  Her blog gets zillions of hits.  When she allows comments to her posts, she receives hundred of responses, usually ending in a vicious flame war. Her Flickr photo album is inundated with more comments.... even this interesting capture of pigeons in an airport received 9 comments.

    How can she find a little anonymity when she wants? How can she turn down the digital volume that her life blares out? Is there a magic pair of headphones she has for those days when it's good to hear the quiet?

    It's nice to go to places where people know your name, but isn't it also nice to be able to disappear into anonymity at times too?

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    Virtual City is a HIT

    You got me, I'm addicted.... Virtual City is amazing.Go, look, see. It's an ingenious mash of google and Toronto. The images are outstanding, the interface is easy, and on every street you can do a virtual *walk through*.....
    I just strolled down Wellington St. It was great!

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    Goodbye Blackberry Exchange Server?

    Holy Cats. One of the hurdles with PDA devices that weren’t Blackberries was the trick of getting push email. Not having to “act” to receive emails is a big deal, especially when you are spoiled with the Blackberry. I’ve had a heck of a time trying to convince the wiz that he could get something cooler and sexier, but he’s grown up with having insta-email, and it’s just not an option with him…..

    While looking for device options for the wiz for christmas, I just stumbled across a wicked new application that can push mail to any device, with no user intervention needed. *blink* Yes, I said it.

    Now how yummy is that!?!? All those amazing phone/pda handhelds that were withering in the vine because you had to “check” your mail can be instantly “berry-ified” with emoze. emoze will automatically push your email to your phone/pda as soon as it’s sent. No proactive connection needed!

    There have been other companies that offer push email, Good Technology was one, and it’s just been bought up… but it’s pricetag illustrated that it was decidedly targeted to an enterprise application.  Who says consumers don’t deserve insta-email?  I pulled this quote right from their website, it looks like it can’t get any easier:

    To use emoze 1.30 all you need to have is an email account and a compatible device; the interface will be familiar to anyone who’s used a traditional email program. The emoze software can be downloaded free from and set up quickly and simply.

    You have to peek at to see for yourself.

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    Irregular Reinforcement

    Funny, stumbling across an idea that can resonate and make you twig. "Irregular Reinforcement". Knowing that there is a chance that something outstanding could happen, and enjoying the suspense and uncertainty. Seth compares it to getting dessert for free in a snappyh restaurant.

    Seth's Blog
    Irregular reinforcement is a hugely powerful message sender.

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    Look Out Pandora.... Musicovery is Here

    I have been a huge Pandora fan, for years now.  At work, at home, you name it, if my laptop is on, usually Pandora is playing in the background.  But Musicovery might change all that…. especially with it’s ability to dig down into years and genres. Comes in mighty handy when you are reliving your ’80s.  Now, the big trick would be for someone to build a mobile device, with wireless IP capability, so you could stream music with you, wherever you are.  It would certainly fix my dilemma with commuting.

    etc: quick links to good stuff

    With Musicovery : interactive webRadio you can determine what music to listen to by your mood, define it by genre or narrow it down to a particular decade. Choose to hear only only hits or only non hits or set it to discovery mode to, um …discover.

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    The Blackberry Crimson - Better than Pearl

    After reading Mark Evans' posting about what's to come with Blackberry, I had to do more digging.  Someone in this house has a Pearl on their wishlist, and I've got to stay ontop of things like this.  So when Mark mentioned the Crimson, I thought, "oh Boy, now that sounds interesting", and off I went, Crimson hunting. 
    And it was good. The Crimson is actually going to be the "real person's" Blackberry.  Qwerty keyboard, being the number one feature, (god how I hate the "suretype" of the most recent berries, it's simply NOT GOOD. The Crimson has the cameraphone, with zoom, the mp3 player, and the snappy styling. It's GSM, (bah, humbug) but that's ok for the wiz, considering he's been stuck with rogers for the past 10 years, another few years shouldn't hurt. Word is that it won't be available for christmas, but maybe for Easter..... ;-)

    BlackBerry Crimson | RIMarkable | The official, unofficial BlackBerry Weblog

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    Finding the Good Blogs

    I'm sure I'm not the first one to gush about The Good Blogs but perhaps I will be the most recent ;-) I love that I can pluck something interesting out of their magic bag every time I look.  And there is ALOT of looking, considering how quickly the Good Blogs widget is fast becoming the add-on of choice for bloggers.... just a few minutes ago, reeled in Netintrigues, simply by accident.... and WOW. Bits of gadgetry, bits of shopping bits of bits! Go, look, see.


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    Snows on the Morraine

    It's staying around this time, the snow, that is. Just a skiff, butenough to let you know that winter really is coming this year, despitethe global warming buzz.  Damn.   And to think I almost had myselfconvinced that this could actually be the year of global change. 

    Christmas shopping started late this year... and as usual, the goal is to accomplish as much on line as possible.... river city sports, Chapters, The Kids Top Shoppe,and of course, LLBean
    have been hit so far... who knows what's next? likely, and maybe a little something something from Cafepress.

    Decking the halls will be the next challenge

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    The Dirty Pool of Blog Comments

    Imagine, you read something that resonates with you. You decide to post a few comments either in addition to what the author has written, or in support of.  You’ve made sure that the article allows for comments.  Some don’t, you know, and that’s fine too.

    Your comment is submitted.

    Poof. You comment disappears into the blogovoid.

    Is it a glitch? Is it editorial liberty? Is it personal? Was it something I said?

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    Building My Ark

    It's come down to this - another day of rain on the Oak Ridges Moraine, and I'm gonna have to start building an ark. Another day of no sun, and I might hafta take a hostage. 
    Between the wet dog feet all over the house, and the lack of a dry pair of shoes within a 5 km radius, I'm just about ready for everything to freeze up and make life cleaner, if not easier.
    The weather makes it painful to commute (changing a 40 minute drive to a 90 minute drive), and plays havoc with the hair. I don't own enough umbrellas for this nonsense.

    To go into my ark:
    • the wiz
    • the smapp dog
    • 2 laptops
    • figs
    • Sony MP3 player
    • a hockey stick
    Really, what else do you need?

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    Overruling the CRTC on VoIP Services

    Ottawa to block CRTC on Internet phone regulation
    From Wednesday’s Globe and Mail
    OTTAWA — The Harper government will announce Wednesday its intention to rewrite the CRTC’s key ruling on Internet-based telephone services, a highly unusual move that could mark a big step toward a more open and consumer-friendly sector.Industry Minister Maxime Bernier will say in a speech in Toronto that the Conservative government will again block the CRTC’s repeated efforts to regulate phone services that run over the Internet. Ottawa to block CRTC on Internet phone regulation



    Holy Cats! What are the implications of the Harper government overruling the CRTC? Likely it’s a good thing, changing the rules of how digital voice services are treated, but the implications of the government getting involved in CRTC policy making are wide reaching. First VoIP, then the world? This first forray into the CRTC domain is positive, but what if the conservatives what to delve into something and change it for the worse? Does the CRTC have any recourse?


    Mark, you probably know more of the answers - what do you think?

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    HELP! I'm in Soft Switch Hell!!!

    I’m drowning in vendor information. I don’t even know if what I want to do can be accomplished with a single soft switch/media gateway device. I don’t even know if I know the difference between the two any more.

    My forehead is wrinkled and my eyes burn. I want a piece of carrier grade gear that i can partition for various wholesale type customers. I want to manage it (not me personally), and I want to provide all the CLEC type services off the back end of it.

    What have I gotten myself into?

    Someone, anyone, please point me in the right direction.


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    What is it?
    It’s National Blog Posting Month!

    Fussy | NaBloPoMo



    Imagine my suprise, I had no idea there was more to November that Remembrance Day.

    It’s also National Blog Posting Month. A nifty idea to increase traffic, increase readers, and heck, it’s getting colder, who needs another excuse to keep their bum closer to the fire for longer?

    An interesting idea, I’m just sorry that I’ve only got 17 days left to participate. - and there’s more - you can try out the randomizer.

    Already I’ve seen a few gooders:

    1. The Earth is Blue
    2. Formation of Me
    3. Forking Madness Over Here
    4. PopWatchCanada


    Happy Monday!

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    The Blog Discussion....

    Out of the archives- an oldie but a goodie……..

    Originally published, April 2006…..

    A few nights ago, whilst enjoying the merits of belgium beverages, the Wiz and i had a thought provoking discussion about the history and the future of blogs. Not your normal “couple conversation”, but that’s pretty par for the course with the Wiz and I. I pronounced that within the next 10 years, or sooner, everyone would put their blog address on their resume, the same way they put an emal addy or a cell number. The Wiz vehemently rejected that. He’s convinced that blogs are still where they were 6 years ago (a la livejournal), and that no one in their right mind will publically advertize their personal sh*t. Alas, he has has some good reasons for saying that ;-)

    That being said, the enormous explosion of we 2.0 schtuff has transformed the blog of 1999 into the social and productivity vehicle it now may be. Blogs are now mainstream, and what it meant 7 years ago - as a personal online journal, with a few uber-geeky people linking to each other, has now been adopted by SO MANY NON GEEKY PEOPLE. Now, it’s a vehicle for tools: productivity, email, photoalbums, those projects that you are working on that need to be accessible from anywhere, corporate chat, industry pundits, to-do lists, house hunting lists, books and music that are on your favourites….

    So - twist blogs counterclockwise to the left, and you’ve now got the potential for a huge self promotion vehicle, a la digital resume…. If you designed it correctly, it can become the C.V. of the 21st century. That being said, you really need to keep in mind that potential employers could be reading what you are publishing, and stay true to that premise ;-)

    LiveJournal patrons are growing up, and changing the way they blog, and blogs are changing their audiences and content as well…

    (wave to potential employers)

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    IMS - The Fruits of the Devil?

    I attended an eye opening session with nortel recently on the next great thing for network architecture - IMS - IP Multimedia Subsystems.

    I have read a bit on the subject, and initially was under the impression that it was all about converged communications. Regardless of access type, IMS would offer the ability to put applications right on the network, and have them accessible from any device, be it cell, VoIP, TV, laptop, anything. IMS would allow you to travel from different networks seamlessly. From landline to Wireless LAN to cell and back again.

    Yes, IMS does that, but those things are just neat little features that are value-adds to the real technology.

    IMS is all about the core network being smart enough, and tied so tightly to applications that it allows the network to become application aware. Now the network is USER aware, and protocol aware.

    What does this mean? This means the network can very tightly control packets. IMS knows what kind of packets are on the network, set prioritization based on the types of packets, and even prioritization by end-user or content provider. The sneakiest component of IMS is the “Policy Management Component”. This section was just glossed over in the session, but warning bells immediately went off in my head. POLICY MANAGEMENT. Now the network can automatically discriminate and control my bits. They can control content provider bits. They can differentiate on ANYTHING and ANYONE.

    All this is under the marketing umbrella of “convergence, personalization, presence, follow me phone services, video on demand, IPTV, multimedia rich content able to go to any device.” IMS sounds like a pretty neat architecture, enabling these services.

    Wait a minute. I can have ALL of those features right now. Without an IMS network. For Free. From neat content providers who make neat things. My Primus home phone can follow me anywhere. My Microsoft Media centre can integrate with my primus phone service and I can interact with my phone on my TV if I want. I have a web cam, I can do web messaging. My buddy list follows me everywhere, even to my cell phone. I could use Skype for voice services and have it integrate with a zillion other things, and I could use Slingbox to get TV when I want it, where I want it. IMS will come with carrier specific features. Features you are going to have to pay for. Features that you can get now, for free. The carrier specific features likely aren’t going to be of the same calibre as the applications that are being created by innovative individuals right now. Think Web 2.0 apps. Think AJAX and XML. Carriers will be able to squash independent application development and propagation, and replace the current innovative applications with their own IMS applications. IMS allows carriers to emulate the Cable TV networks, where content providers have to pay an arm and a leg to enable distribution of their content to the end users.

    IMS isn’t about converged services. IMS is about POLICY CONTROL. All those neat little features are just disguising the real impetus behind the technology. Once the network knows who you are and what your bits are doing, they can enforce user policies on what your bits are and what you can do with those bits. Full stop. Carriers can effectively shut down independent content providers, forcing end users to use THEIR applications, or no applications at all.

    To learn more about IMS, and what the differing components are, I have embedded links of interest above, and created the following list:

    1. Paranoid about IMS:
    2. Nortel’s IMS Learning Centre:
    3. Light Reading’s IMS Tutorial: :

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    Building Credibility in Blogging?

    One of the topics I'm wrestling with is the ability or the requirement to build reputation and credibility in the blogosphere. How does one go from zero to 60 in respectibility points? Is it something that can happen over the course of time, or is it something that has to be acquired, rather than home grown?

    By acquired, I'm referring to "borrowing" respectibility in other writers, guest posters, folks who "already have the badge of credibility"?
    Is it about what your bio looks like? Is it about the profound things you've said before or posted elsewhere?

    How does a corporate blog create credibility and reputation? Stick with me on this...

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